Introduction to CIS - What is the Construction Industry Scheme?
Deciding whether your work comes within CIS Are you a contractor or subcontractor under CIS? Employment Status Indicator tool Subcontractors responsibilities Subcontractor registration and obligations Getting paid and paying tax - advice for subcontractors Gross paid subcontractors and the annual compliance review Reporting changes to a subcontractor business Contractors responsibilities Contractor registration and obligations Verifying and paying subcontractors Using or dealing with subcontractor trading names Reporting changes to a contractor business Real Time Information main changes and the effects on CIS

Challenge & Solution
CIS returns, payments and deductions Monthly returns and record keeping under CIS Understanding and using CIS online Login to CIS Online now Late returns and late return penalties under CIS Correcting monthly return and payment errors How to pay CIS deductions to HMRC if you're a contractor EDI filing for large contractors Company subcontractors paid under deduction Large businesses, public bodies and non-UK businesses Multiple contractor status for larger businesses under CIS CIS where construction isn't your main activity Public bodies and organisations under CIS How CIS applies to businesses based outside of the UK Reporting changes to a contractor business Agents Acting as a tax agent for a CIS contractor or subcontractor Managing agents and CIS.
Project Information
United Kingdom
April 1, 2020